always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Content on a page

You can find the Navigator menu in the sidebar on the left side of the editor. In the upper section, you will see the pages, folders, and archives on your website. In the lower section, you will find the contents of the page you have selected in the structure.
Via Content, you can move modules, layouts, grids, grid rows and columns by dragging the mouse cursor. You can also right-click on all the different items to make settings and to access Properties for them.
Item types
There are four types of items that can be displayed under Content on a page. These are: content areas, modules, layout parts, and responsive parts.
Content area

The icon for a content area is marked by a box and the content area’s name.
Right-click on the content area to add responsive parts, see below.

The icons for modules differ depending on the type of module it is. Text and image modules have their own icons, while the other modules are indicated by a cube.
Responsive parts

The icons for responsive building consist of grid, line and column.
Layout parts

The icons for layouts depend on the type of function contained in the layout . A layout with a "man" on it means that it contains one or several views with custom content.
To view the navigator, "View navigator" permission is required.
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