always refers to the latest version of Sitevision
Member status
The member status module is used on group pages to manage a user's relationship to a group. If a user is not a member of a group, the module can be used to join the group, provided it is open.
If there is a relationship with the group, several options are available via a small "arrow" at the far right of the button. The options that are visible depend on the relationship that the user has with the group.
The following options are available:
- Join group - join the group. Posts posted in the group will end up in the user's composite timeline.
- Follow group - follow group without being a member. Posts posted in the group will end up in the user's composite timeline.
- Leave group - leave the group.
- Unfollow group - blocks posts typed in the group from ending up in the user's composite timeline.
There are no settings to make on the module in the editor.
This module requires the Social Collaboration license.
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